Friday, November 7, 2014

To Wear White or Not to Wear White?

It's a question that's asked every year - is it okay to wear white after Labor Day!? Now that we are getting into the chilly winter months, I feel like it's even more important to tackle this tricky dilemma. We can't have Monkee's girls out of the fashion loop! 

The jury has been out on this question for a long time, with some parties vehemently opposing white after Labor Day, and others tossing the rule book out the window. It's a bit of an outdated fashion rule, I'll admit, but really - white jeans when it's snowing just isn't right! Ultimately, it's your decision, but here are a few tips to keep your winter whites fashion-friendly. 

1. Stay away from diamond white. Cream, off white, and other muted tones of this non-color are the best way to wear white after the summer season. Diamond white can be too harsh for fall and winter months, and without bronzed skin, can make a girl look washed out. 

2. Wear white in a seasonally appropriate fabric. White or cream colored cable-knit sweaters are ideal! A cream colored cable knit sweater is my absolute go-to for fall. Paired with a vest or scarf, you look cozy and warm regardless of the white coloring. Heavy and textured fabrics are the best - cashmere, wool, twill and tweed. White linen pants are not practical, and you'd be freezing in Virginia! 

3. Pair white with something extra-seasonal. Pair your white sweater with a thick scarf, or a vest and riding boots. Make sure the outfit as a whole feels like fall or winter - if you are wearing a white Lilly dress and sandals in the middle of November, you will most likely look out of place and will be uncomfortable.

Hopefully our tips are helpful for our white-wearing fashionistas! If you have a fun way to wear your White after Labor Day, please let us know! Check out our Pinterest page for more options! xoxo

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