Thursday, October 31, 2013

Re-Visiting the Arm Party

Hi y'all! In March we did our first Arm Party feature, but now that fall is upon us, it's time to update the Arm Party and bring some fabulous new items and season-appropriate additions. I'm sure everyone will just love the changes! 

First up, we have a whole new batch of Michael Kors watches. Below are a few of my absolute favorites for the fall and winter seasons, and of course I am including my beloved rose gold.

I am just absolutely obsessed with the bracelet-style band. The gorgeous detailed chain links are a feminine and fun way to add something new to your pretty little wrist. The faux-snake thin band on the right one mixes edgy and feminine and is perfect for fall. My obsession is getting out of hand (pun intended!).

The sleek style of the watch on the left is absolutely perfect for my work day, and the embellished one on the right is perfect for my days off. It's only natural that I need both, right? As for the beauty in the middle: mixing metals AND adding navy?! It's a watch after my own heart. This watch is so unique, it's guaranteed to steal the show in any arm party. 

 Ugh, and gold. Gold has a soft spot in my heart, and these watches definitely have a place on my wrist. Once again, the bracelet-style band appears (I'm sorry, it's just so chic!), but mixing tortoise and gold gives it another dimensions of fabulous! The bracelet in the middle has a more classic feel than the bracelet-style, and the gold is more of a "champagne" gold, which I love. 

With all the beautiful new watches, it's only natural to think "what's next for my arm party?!" Don't fret- this season is all about going a little bit thicker and a little bit bolder.  
Swap out the old bangles for animals! Foxes, elephants and lions have all been seen on celeb's wrists. They give your wrist a little character and are a creative addition to any arm party. 
 Thin, stackable charm bangles have been very popular, but the trend right now is to go big, chunky, and attention-grabbing. Thick cuffs, large double knot bracelets, and anything chain-linked is a must have. 

 Stop by Monkee's of Fredericksburg to see our fabulous new watches and get some great new members of your arm party! Our stylists will be able to help you find the best look for you. 


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